6. Plan your meals (as much as you are able to)

- Make sure you arrive early if traveling by airplane/train/bus/etc.
- Leave yourself plenty of time in case of backups, late arrivals, etc.
- Make sure you have ALL your meds that you will need WITH YOU ON YOUR PERSON! NEVER pack all your meds in your checked baggage!!
- Be prepared for the worst – in case you get stuck out in the snowstorm or a flight gets canceled. You might put together some sort of ‘Emergency Kit‘ tailored just for you in case of an emergency or similar event.
10. Enjoy the Christmas Holiday – Be loved and give love!
This, by far, is my most important tip: Remember what the Christmas season is all about. It’s not giving and receiving gifts; or running ourselves ragged; or trying to get and give a better gift than someone else (it’s not a competition, folks); rather, it the celebration of the birth of the Messiah… a time to spend with family and friends… to remember what the good Lord has done for you this last year… and to give and receive love. Smile more than you frown; say to your gorgeous spouse/care partner how much you love them and how thankful you are to them; if your parents are still here with us, visit them and tell them you love them and how appreciative you are of the things they did for you all your life; even smile and talk to those folks who you wouldn’t normally associate with. THAT, folks, should be what the Christmas season is all about, And I’m preaching this here to myself as well – sometimes even I take a lot for granted; so these tips – especially this one – make me stop and think.. and thank!. Hopefully, it will with you as well.
So, in a nutshell, LOVE, LIVE, and CELEBRATE with all those you meet this Christmas season!

- If you can afford it, Smart Devices are a great and useful gift for Parkies: An Apple watch, or Alexa device, or a fitness tracker will definitely help with your Parkinson’s friend!
- Â If they have trouble sleeping, a sleep aid, such as a sound therapy device, aromatherapy product or back massager will help them to relax and maybe sleep better.
- Slip on shoes – it sounds silly, but i can tell you from experience that trying to tie your shoes in the midst of a ‘off‘ time (and with arthritis)… well, slip on shoes can help!
- Gift Certificates – maybe for a night out at a restaurant, or a session of Rock Steady Boxing for PD would be a useful gift.
- Books are always welcome and provide a respite from our PD woes.
- Weighted Utensils, like those from LiftWare, can make it easier for those with Parkinson’s (tremors especially) or other eating problems, to keep their food on their utensils and make its path to the mouth much smoother.Â
- The national Parkinson Foundation