The Gift That Keeps On Taking…

You might be saying right now,”No No No, Tom! You got the title wrong – it’s supposed to be ‘ The Gift that keeps on GIVING’, not TAKING!” Well, I appreciate your concern, but I beg to differ – as the saying goes, “What I have written, I have written!!” Because the ‘Gift‘ I am going to be talking about today is none other than our old ‘friend‘ ...


It’s Another Parkinson’s Awareness Month for 2022!

Man, I can’t believe its 2022 -seems just like yesterday I was a young 21 year old slick-looking (but kinda geeky) “punk” who had just graduated from college, and working at his first computer job… Now look at me!! (Uh oh, I guess I’d better not go down that road or I’ll be moaning and groaning on and on forever!) ...


The Strange Case of the Parkie and Mr. Hyde

I assume that most of us have read (or seen the movie version) "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", as first written by Robert Louis Stevenson. But just in case you haven't, let me give you a quick - and hopefully non-spoiling - synopsis: Dr. Jekyll, a somewhat mild-mannered doctor (described as a kind, sociable, amiable, reputable gentleman) feels that there is always a battle going on between the good and evil within himself. He'd spent a good part of his life trying to repress, as he believes, the evil urges within him. Failing to do so, he instead develops a serum (potion) to separate himself from the 'evil' side that is within him ...


Holiday Tips for Parkies

I love the Christmas season… Always have – especially when I was little. It was magical in a way… of course, then I grew up to be what I am today – an old “fart” – and Christmas seemed to loose that magic, and instead became a stressful sort of yearly ‘chore‘ (and no, my name isn’t Ebenezer!) Well, let’s face it – I’m sure that all of us get pretty stressed out this time of year! ...


A Bicycle Built For a Parkie (Me!)

For me, last year – 2020 – was a terrible year! Not just because of COVID-19 and all the rigmarole associated with it, but also because of this blasted cramping left foot/toes of mine. I’ve ridden a bike every year since I was 5 years old; but for the first time, I NEVER rode my bike at all during 2020…


Tom’s Parkie Dictionary

By now everyone reading this knows I like definitions. It wasn't' like that originally... I was more like "Definitions?!? Bah Humbug!!" But after working for a number of years with a great coworker we called 'The Word Man' (who was always handy with a definition of a word), I came to appreciate definitions a little bit more...


On, Off, or What?

If you have been close to a Parkinson patient, I know you have heard them mention being 'On' or 'Off'.... and maybe you have wondered exactly what they mean by this... "On? Like a light-bulb? They aren't glowing, that's for sure!"...


Guest Blogger: What I Have Learned

Today I am implementing one of the things I said I would do with my new blog format - and that is introduce some 'guest' bloggers! Although I try my best to give you my thoughts, knowledge, and research that I've done, I'll be the first to say that I don't know everything! Plus, what I tell you is MY experience; but it is always good to get someone else's perspective and experience, as they may have gone or going through things that I haven't had experience with. So, learning from these wonderful folks is a good thing! ...


Freebies for Parkies!

"What? We Parkies can get free Frisbees, you say? Cool!" No, no no... I said FREEBIES, not Frisbees!! Listen up now, people!! If you're like me, I'll take just about anything that is free - even pens, post-it notes, and such that they give out at conferences and seminars. ("Yes sir, feel free to take a Tootsie-Roll and a pen with a cow on it that says 'Moo' every time you tip it upside-down." Yeah, just what I needed...) ...


Puttering with PD

"Puttering? What the heck does that mean? Playing golf? Are we supposed to go golfing in order to help with our Parkinson's symptoms??" Hey, I understand the confusion. Puttering isn't really a word, I don't think ...


Old vs. New

I recently read an article from a fellow Parkinson's blogger, Allison (The Perky Parkie) which had an impact on me. The article spoke of an individual who was in a therapy session with her; he'd experienced a traumatic brain injury due to an auto accident and was trying to 'come to grips' ...